Altona Public School Authors
Despite its small size Altona Public Shool has produced many authors. Maybe its relatively large library that filled most of the back wall had some influence. Perhaps the teachers we had who encouraged us to read were an influence. Maybe it was just the water. Whatever the reason the number is remarkable for a small one, then eventually two, room school. It also spans several generations of students so it was more than just one teachers influence.
One of the most recent is RUTH SMITH-MEYER who is known to most of us by her original given name as Ruth Nighswander. She married, as you may remember Norman Smith. After 39 years of a wonderful marriage Norman sadly passed away. Recently Ruth married another local fellow, known to many of us, Mr Paul Meyer. Hence She is now Mrs Ruth Meyer or Mrs Ruth Smith-Meyer. Over the years she has been secretly working on a Novel. Drawing from her life's experience (Sometimes you will feel you are in the Nighswander kitchen(a place that was most dear to my heart and stomach) and sometimes you will be astounded at her ability to express ones innermost thoughts in print as she takes us through a story of spousal loss and renewal, a story she herself is quite familiar with. If you have this experience, this book will help in your healing. If not it will remind you of loved ones you have known. Do not be surprised if several times while reading you find you have "something in your eye." A powerful writer with a great story to tell that stirs ones emotions to the core. The book is called Not Easily Broken by Ruth Smith- Meyer and is available from Amazon.com. (Not to be confused with the book by the same name by TD Jakes)
DON KARL DULMAGE who now makes his home in Ameliasburgh Ontario (near Belleville) spent a significant portion of his life in Altona as well. after high school Don trained as an auto mechanic and an auto machinist. He wrote for several car magazines and newspapers. He is also the authour of Old Reliable , a tell all book on racing Mopar powered cars. This book has been sold all over the world and is in its seventh printing. Upon retirement Don and his wife Linda began to travel to Europe. Through an unusal and Don believes God ordained set of circumstances Don found his original root German family, der familie Dolmetsch, learned to speak German at a functional level and began a relationship with them. he also traced his direct ancestors path from Sulz Germany to the Rheinland Pfalz district to England by way of Rotterdam and then on to Rathkeale Ireland where Dolmetsch became first Dolmage then Dulmage. This resulted a few years later in the book Return to Deutschland. Don wrote it as an adventure story in third person so regardless of your heritage it is a true adventure story you will not soon forget. Copies are available by request to
big-d@sympatico.ca Don is often a speaker to historical societies and the like on matters of German Canadian Heritage having twice given the Crouse Wanamaker Lecture in the Quinte area as well as guest speaker to The United Empire Loyalist branch Quinte
Joe is the author of many articles pretaining to Mennonites, Seniors homes and church building. He wrote a book with some friends chronicaling the development and growth of the Parkside Seniors Complex in Stouffville Ontario which he wasfromthe beginning a driving force. He also was a major force in producing the Book on the planning and building of the Rouge Valley Mennonite Church near Toronto. Unfortunately our friend Joe passed away a couple of years ago but we will not forget him.
MERV BUNKER Merv is another long time Altona resident and has published a book of his memories of some of the more exciting times or antics that took place at the old school house and surrounding area. I do not have any information on where to obtain a copy of this book but from what I have heard it is a great read, especially if you happened to have been there. More info would be appreciated if anyone can help with that.
BOB LEWIS, what can one say? Story teller extraordinaire. I can well remember spending friday evenings at Bob and Marg's while Bob entertained us kids with stories that were sometimes ad lib from the word go. Finally, later in life, he wrote a series of children's stories in book form. If you have never had the pleasure of one of Bobs childrens stories you would do well to obtain a copy.
MARTHA NIGHSWANDER, Martha, the youngest daughter of Fred and Ada Nighswander and my former school chum is a gifted illustrater and artist. Recently she published a study of life as a single woman from a Biblical perspective. A great deal of research and effort has gone in to this book as she deals with issues that the singe Christian woman is confronted with in a very forthright and Bible based manner. The book is called Thy Maker Is Thy Husband and is available from Martha in Barwick Ontario
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